The data below is included for archival purposes. 

The most current data that we have is available via our new searchable
database of ships at:

 OPERATING SCHEDULE 1996     PRINTED:      25-Oct-96

Maximum berthing is 39 which includes 7 ASA support personnel

 10/25/96                                     AREA/DISCIPLINE
 Cruise/Project         DATES  #PAXARR/DEP        COMMENTS
|NBP 96-4A            |28-Sep |   |LV: LYT |      ROSS SEA      |41|
|JGOFS Process Study 1|       |39 |        |   Shelf Proc. I    |  |
|                     |08-Nov |   |AR: ICE |                    |  |
|NBP 96-5             |14-Nov |   |LV: ICE |      ROSS SEA      |17|
|JGOFS - Moorings     |       |35 |        |   Ic.edg.via MCM   |  |
|                     |01-Dec |   |AR: LYT |  Mooring Deploy.   |  |
|NBP 96-6             |06-Dec |   |LV: LYT |      ROSS SEA      |31|
|S-216 ROAVERRS       |       |39 |        |   PHYSICAL/BIO/    |  |
|S-048 Eastman        | 1997  |   |        |      CHEMICAL      |  |
|                     |06-Jan |   |AR: MCM |     FUEL AN-8      |  |
Note: Arrivals and Departures during cruise changeout will be before and
after 10am respectively.
To eliminate confusion cruises will be named consecutively
(i.e. NBP97-1,2,3,4 etc.)