Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Where are all of the upcoming NOAA cruise schedules?
Answer: NOAA has requested that all upcoming cruise information be temporarily suppressed. To obtain future schedule information, please see their web site for contact information.
Question: What happened to all the original International Research Ship Schedules and Information pages and the data and pictures that they contained?
Answer: The data that was organized by country in the original Ships pages is still intact. A link to it is accessible via the home page and by browsing to the Country page. Many of the original photographs and some older cruise schedules are available there, but many of the links to other ship-related sites are quite old, and the pages they link to might not be available any longer.
Question: Why aren't there a lot more graphics and other fancy effects on your pages?
Answer: As the number of graphic images on a site increases, so does the amount of time it takes to download, display, and print those images. Many areas of the US and the world still rely on dial-up lines to connect to the internet. In addition, ships are starting to connect to the internet from sea, a very costly and slow task. So it was decided to keep the bandwidth and download time requirements light to save these individuals time and money.